Pondering the Poem


The winding road of life
Takes me from project to project …
I wander along these dusty roads,
Encountering friends and sometime foes,
I can’t help contemplating
Upon the purpose of my existence.

Is there some hidden meaning here …
Is there some magic power?
Can the Universe be swayed by us …
The babies of the hour?

Yet many walk in haunty bliss
Sure of the importance of their thoughts
Bastet wonders and thinks as she observes the sky:
Compared to eternity
What is a gnat’s life?

(C) G.s.k. 14

What is the prompt? Illustrate the poem. I would usually find a photo that somehow, in a photographic form, tries to convey in picture form the idea I’m trying to get across in a poem or short story. It just occured to me that you might want to try to use your art work … that is fine too!
So, instead of using my photo as your prompt, I invite you to use my poem and find a photo or maybe artwork that you feel is suitable!


I’m still letting the words echo in my head to see if I can find one photo … Wondering if someone else will see the connection between Bastet’s beautiful words and these photos from a few trips ago.


  1. That is such a lovely creature! And a wandered … whom I’d caution about bicycles 😉 Love your photos, if he isn’t contemplative of the roads of life … thanks for participating in the challenge … splendid first too!


Kindly share your ponderings!